Traffic Signal Projects
City of Cuyahoga Falls, ITS Signal SUM – Portage Trail (PID 13064)
The upgrade of 23 signals on two arterial streets, Portage Trail & Broad Boulevard, into a state-of-the-art Integrated Traffic System (ITS). Features of the system include video detection, incident detection and management, fiber optic communications, central office monitor with distributed PC application and automated updating of timing plans.
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City of Ravenna, Honeywell Signal Design
The project includes the upgrade of twenty three (23) signalized intersections split into two different phases. Phase 1 is defined by the design of sixteen signalized intersections falling within the city’s Design-Build portion of the city-wide signal upgrade. Phase 2 is defined by the design of the remaining seven (7) intersections falling within the Design-Bid portion of the project.
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John Carroll University, Signal Upgrade CUY-Belvoir (CR 284) (PID 92121)
This particular project incorporated a unique measure to ensure pedestrian crosswalk safety across the heavily traveled Belvoir Boulevard roadway. Belvoir Boulevard is a thirty five (35) mile per hour Urban Collector as classified by the Ohio Department of Transportation and runs directly through the middle of John Carroll University. After a traffic calming analysis was performed, it was determined that the project should include the use of a “road diet” and “speed tables” to effectively ensure the safe crossing of students within the university.
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City of Euclid, Traffic Signal Upgrade CUY-6-25.01(PID 11843)
This project was the modernization and coordination of traffic signals at 53 intersections along the corridors of Euclid Avenue (US 20), E. 260th Street (SR 175), and Lake Shore Boulevard (SR 283). The project included the upgrade of traffic signal hardware including vehicular signal heads, mast arm signal supports, pedestrian signals, traffic controllers, vehicular and pedestrian detectors.
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City of Steubenville, Traffic Signal Upgrade JEF-7/43-15.98/1.09 (PID 10962)
This project was the modernization and coordination of traffic signals at 27 intersections along the corridors of Dean Martin Boulevard (SR 7) and Sunset Boulevard (SR 43). The project included the upgrade of traffic signal hardware including vehicular signal heads, signal strain pole supports, pedestrian signals, traffic controllers, vehicular and pedestrian detectors. The project also included the installation of a “closed loop” traffic responsive computer system and fiber optic communication cable. A 12 fiber multi-mode backbone with Kevlar Braid protective armor was specified for communication between master and local controllers.
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